Minnesota Rain
Nature weaves intricate patterns across our planet, revealing connections that stretch over vast distances. Among the most striking examples is how forests in the Pacific Northwest influence weather in Minnesota.

Two-Eyed Seeing
It’s easy to have one perspective — it simple, fast, and focused. It’s also a limiting way to move through this world.

I was not sure what I was signing up for, when I registered for the Interbeing #4 retreat, hosted by Silvae Spiritus.

Out of Comfort, Into Nature's Embrace
It's astounding how much life can transform us, and I find myself in disbelief that I now yearn to camp or hike every single day. As a village girl, I grew up with the wisdom of my elders, learning the art of making fire, cooking on open flames, catching fish, and washing clothes by hand.

Phytoncides: Nature's Aromatic Therapy
Nature has an incredible way of healing and rejuvenating our minds and bodies. One of the most profound gifts it offers comes in the form of phytoncides, the aromatic compounds released by trees and other plants.

Is Your Self-Care Routine Actually Helping?
Over the years, I've come to realize that some activities I had thought were self-care were, in fact, more akin to 'pseudo self-care'.

You’re Grounded!
I love taking my shoes off after a long day of work and walking in the grass, it feels so relaxing. When I am outside, barefoot, of course, things feel so easy.