Out of Comfort, Into Nature's Embrace

It's astounding how much life can transform us, and I find myself in disbelief that I now yearn to camp or hike every single day. As a village girl, I grew up with the wisdom of my elders, learning the art of making fire, cooking on open flames, catching fish, and washing clothes by hand. My upbringing instilled a deep appreciation for nature, but surprisingly, I never had the chance to sleep under the stars in the forest or set foot in a campsite until I reached adulthood. Anxiety stood like an imposing barrier, hindering my path to fully embrace the wildness that called out to me.

Looking back, I see the journey I've embarked upon—a journey of overcoming my fears and stepping into the unknown with courage. It hasn't always been easy, but the transformation has been worth every ounce of effort. As I stand here today, I see a version of myself I once thought was beyond my reach.

The transition from being hesitant and cautious to becoming an adventurer was not without its challenges. At first, even the thought of spending a night in a tent sent shivers down my spine. I hesitated to wander too far from the comfort of my home, where everything was familiar and predictable. Yet, a gentle voice within me urged me forward, whispering that there was so much more to discover beyond the horizon.

I took my first step by embarking on short hikes, making sure to carry a little bug spray with me to ease my worries about the tiny creatures that thrived in nature's embrace. Gradually, with each hike, I found myself growing more comfortable in the wilderness. The sights, sounds, and scents of nature began to weave their magic, wrapping me in a cocoon of tranquility I had never experienced before.

The turning point came when I finally mustered the courage to spend a night camping under the stars. Surrounded by the rhythmic chorus of crickets, birds, and the rustling of leaves, I felt an inexplicable sense of belonging. My village upbringing had prepared me well, and I found solace in the familiar art of making a fire and cooking meals on its warm glow. It was as if the wilderness had embraced me back, assuring me that I was indeed a part of this untamed world.

Today, I stand as a testament to the transformative power of nature. It has allowed me to shed my anxiety, replacing it with a sense of wonder and awe for the world around me. The forests, the campgrounds, the open fields—all have become my sanctuary, offering me solace and connection amidst the chaos of the modern world.

To those who may be standing at the edge of uncertainty, hesitant to step into the wilderness, I urge you to take that leap of faith. Start with a short hike, surround yourself with a little bug spray, and venture forth into the unknown. You'll never truly know the joys of being one with nature until you try. The wilderness is waiting to embrace you, to teach you, and to reveal the depths of your own strength and resilience. Trust me; it's a journey worth taking.


Sherpa is a passionate and dedicated sexual assault counselor who has devoted her life to supporting survivors of sexual assault.




Phytoncides: Nature's Aromatic Therapy